Looking back on the almost three weeks that he was home, it was truly wonderful! We decided not to travel anywhere while he was here, and just stay at home, and RELAX!! Too many of our friends make big, elaborate travel plans during R&R and just end up exhausted from all the commotion. We were determined to make this a restful, low-key time for Joe, and we definitely accomplished our goal. When he left, he was well-rested and refreshed, ready to tackle the last five months of the deployment. Having only five months left also made it easier when he left, too. Five is such a small number -- the number of fingers on one hand! We can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel. We know it's there!
Thought I'd share a few photos...
This was taken at the Dogwood Festival here in Fayetteville. The sea lion show was a big draw, and, of course, you could stand in a long line in the hot sun, pay a ridiculous amount of money, and get your photo taken with them. The sea lions were very well-trained; the trainers plopped a big piece of stinky fish into their mouths, and then they promptly plopped their heads on your shoulder or on top of your head. They were stinky, but very cute! (Nathan couldn't be dragged out of bed that day, so he's not in the photo!)
(Nathan's kind of leaning in this photo, so you can't really tell how tall he is... 5'6"!! Joe was so amazed at how tall he was, we had to drag out the tape measure and put a number to his growth.)
We're back in the groove of things, now. Kids have only ten days of school left, and then we're into summer camps for several weeks. Their first day of school will be July 16, so it will be a short summer. With the kids beginning year-round school, it will make the summer go quickly, and by the time they finish their 1st quarter and have their first intercession (break), it will be time for Joe to be home!! Yay!!